MACD Newsletter

May 2021

MAX migration - progress is being made

A total of eight banks have already migrated completely from XKYTE to our new Order Management System MAX.

We are pleased to announce that on May 17, the first GLOX customer is also live, operating GLOX and MAX in parallel. The migration is planned as a gradual transition rather than a big bang. Initially, the majority of orders are still being processed via GLOX while selected orders are monitored and routed by MAX. The goal is to fully migrate the bank to MAX within two months.

A few impressions of the work of our software engineering team are given by Lucas Fowler, Teamleader MACD Software Engineering, in the new blog post. Lucas describes successes and challenges in the development of MAX and explains which core topics his team is currently working on.

Bloomberg TOMS Interface

We recently implemented the interface to Bloomberg Trade Order Management Solutions (TOMS) via FIX for our customer Luzerner Kantonalbank.

The connection sends executions from Bloomberg, in which LUKB acts as market maker for bonds. Among other things, prices are set in Bloomberg and the resulting trades are fed back via MAX into the core banking system for settlement.

MACD Routing Hub - Your easy access to the global market

With the Routing Hub our customers can connect an unlimited number of brokers, market participants and customers with their in-house system in a simple and standardized way. They determine the level of automation (up to 100%) themselves.

The implementation is simple. For example, in April, only two months after the start of the project, we were able to successfully implement the connection of our client to Bank Vontobel, broker for foreign trading and member of the MACD Broker Program.

Behind the Scenes

Continuous Improvement of Product Quality

To continuously improve product quality and stability, we invest in a modern data center and implement a number of quality assurance measures for our software products:

  • Project Steering Stability Focus
  • Trash Day - Working on Code Quality
  • Disaster Test Day
  • Automatic Testing (BOT)
  • Security Policy
  • Expansion of Monitoring and Release Management
  • Expansion of Project Management Office
  • Expansion of escalation process

The Disaster Test Day took place on May 21, 2021. Here we ran through special disaster scenarios and exceptional cases. Our goal is to be as prepared as possible for exceptional cases and to minimise the impact on customer systems.

CO2 emissions compensated

MACD retroactively offset CO2 emissions for the entire year 2020. The largest components fell on heating and third-party suppliers. Some energies were already offset during purchasing - such as the electricity for the Aachen site. Our new data center service provider in Switzerland relies solely on sustainable electricity.

Welcome Jürgen Damm

Our new employee Jürgen Damm joined our Technical Account Management Team in April 2021. Jürgen brings in a lot of network and support experience and will therefore also build a bridge to the System Administration team in the event of network issues.