MACD Christmas Greetings

December 2021

Dear customers, partners and friends of MACD,

The year 2021 is drawing to a close. We look back on a challenging year in which MACD has developed further thanks to the commitment of the entire team. The pandemic has made it clear to us once again that everyone's health comes first and that respectful, trusting communication with each other is more important than ever. It has also shown us that electronic communication is indispensable. Not only video calls with colleagues and clients but also the routing of orders worldwide has become the norm.

Many of our clients were spread across different locations and our systems were able to help them trade without any loss of time or quality. On behalf of the team, I would like to thank all our partners and customers for the trust they have placed in us and for the very close and constructive cooperation.

We wish you a carefree, wonderful Christmas season and a healthy 2022!

Best wishes,

George Macdonald, CEO MACD

"Donation instead of cards"

This year's donation goes to Aktion Deutschland Hilft, an alliance of German charities, especially for the aid operations "Flood Germany". Much has been done on site in the past few months, but the road to normality is still long and the help of organisations for affected children and adults is still urgently needed.