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MACD Conference 2024
> Deutsch

Dear customers and partners,

We cordially invite you to our exclusive MACD Community Event in Zurich:

MACD Conference
Thursday, 6th June 2024
1pm - 5pm, followed by Apéro Riche
HWZ Zurich (Lagerstrasse 5)


We will cover interesting topics such as electronic trading of Exchange Traded Derivatives (ETD) as well as having plenty of time to network with your peers.

We are also delighted to have Antoinette Hunziker-Ebneter, founding partner and CEO of Forma Futura Invest AG and Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Berner Kantonalbank AG (BEKB), as our keynote speaker.

Registration is now open - simply send an e-mail with your contact details to:


We will send you a detailed agenda soon.

Kind regards,

George Macdonald & the MACD Team


Here you can find the follow-up report and photos from last year:

MACD Conference 2023

