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MACD Christmas Greetings
> Deutsch


Dear customers, partners and friends of MACD,

It's that time of the year again - Christmas is just around the corner and 2023 is drawing to a close. Time to look back a little. Even though many somber events have happened again this year, we would like to look back on the positives.

We have achieved a lot together and both our network and our team have grown. We also had another opportunity to engage with you in person at our MACD Community events, including our second golf tournament and the MACD Conference.

On behalf of the team, I would like to thank you all for the trust you have placed in us and the very close, constructive collaboration.

We wish you as well as your families and friends happy holidays and look forward to tackling many great projects together again in the coming year.

Best regards

George Macdonald



"Donation instead of cards"

With this year's donation, we are supporting Swiss Solidarity's aid project "Humanitarian Crisis in the Middle East", which is helping the civilian population in Israel and the Gaza Strip together with its accredited Swiss partner organisations. The focus is on the supply of food, water and urgently needed goods, access to medical care as well as the maintenance of health services in the Gaza Strip.

