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MACD Conference 2023
> Deutsch

Dear members of the MACD Community,

We cordially invite you to our financial IT & networking event in Zurich:

MACD Conference & Apéro
Thursday, 1st June 2023, from 1pm
HWZ Zürich (Lagerstrasse 5)


Experts from the MACD network will present exciting, future-oriented topics from the world of finance.

In this year's panel, the topic 'Challenges in trading with cryptos - What are the possibilities of implementation and what do you have to consider?' will be discussed from different perspectives and questions will be answered.

There will be enough time for discussions and networking during the coffee breaks and after event drinks at Kennedy's Irish Pub.

We kindly ask you to register by 19th May 2023 by sending an email to:


We will send you a detailed agenda soon.

Kind regards,

George Macdonald & the MACD Team


Here you can find the follow-up report and photos from last year:

MACD Conference 2022

